Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: Editor Lagerklatsch

Drabblecast Presents: Editor Lagerklatsch

Drabblecast Presents Editor LagerklatschAn Editor Lagerklatsch!

Just what the hell is a Lagerklatsch?

Well if you’ve been to a convention or two you might be familiar with the phrase “coffee klatsch.”

You can probably do the linguistics from there, replacing coffee with something…hoppier.

Made up German words are fun! In fact, that’s a special charm of the German language, it encourages these creations. Ever notice that Germans are able to encapsulating a nuanced but recognizable concept into a single word? Compound words. It’s a thing.

Or in German: Mammutwörter (“mammoth words”)

Anyways…drinks and shop talk with short fiction editors John Joseph Adams (Lightspeed Magazine), Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld), Scott K. Andrews (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) and Norm Sherman (The Drabblecast, formerly Escape Artists)!


The Drabblecast Presents: Editor Lagerklatsch

Drabblecast B-Sides 52 – Fiction Editor Lagerklatsch

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides 52, Editor LagerklatschDrinks and shop talk with short fiction editors John Joseph Adams (Lightspeed Magazine), Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld), Scott K. Andrews (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) and Norm Sherman.






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