What is the Drabblecast?

The Drabblecast is an audio fiction magazine, genre fiction chosen by editors, produced as audio, and released as a weekly podcast.

What is a podcast?

A ‘podcast’ is a term commonly attributed to Apple, though coined earlier, meant to distinguish a form of regularly released audio content. Podcasts lie in the inter-space between blogs and radio. They come in all varieties, sports, leisure, special interest, etc. On The Drabblecast, we focus on storytelling.

How do we make money?

Truthfully, we don’t. The Drabblecast supports itself via a donation model. We receive contributions from listeners which we use to pay authors for the stories we run. That’s it.

So it’s Free?

Yep. Listen, and share all you like. Should you be able to, donating is both highly encouraged and highly desired. The larger our pot, the more we can commission, and the greater the pay rate we can offer to authors.

How Can I Listen?

If you wish to start listening immediately, click on the play buttons contained in the episode posts on this web page – voila. Do so indefinitely; the site exists for this purpose. We recommend you subscribe to the Drabblecast. It helps with our iTunes rank, and it assures that you’re automatically receiving new episodes at their freshest and dewiest.

How do I subscribe?

Click one of the links in the right most column of this page (under Subscribe to the Drabblecast). You will need an audio player / podcatcher program on your computer, of which there are a myriad of options. iTunes is the most popular.

The Drabblecast - New Listeners

Where Do I Start? A Primer

The Drabblecast spans all genres, with a tone ranging from the truly grim to the uncompromisingly silly. Yet there is cohesion. The way to find meaning to this phantasmagoric resonance? Hear every episode. But that’s hundreds of hours of audio, so yeh, we don’t expect that of all listeners. We offer this ten episode “Editor’s Pick” selection as a primer. Listen through, we’re confident you’ll ‘get’ what is get’able.

  1. Jelly Park
    The first ever Drabblecast People’s Choice winner, and one of our all-time favorites. A jelly gem of pure weirdness. Drabblecast 43 – Jelly Park
  2. Babel Probe
    A genre-bending journey in to the past, exploring myths as old as time. Drabblecast 109 – Babel Probe
  3. Charlie the Purple Giraffe was Acting Strange
    What happens when a cartoon character sees the 4th wall? It’s hard being slapstick in the face of an existential crisis. Drabblecast 113 – Charlie the Purple Giraffe was Acting Strange
  4. Clown Eggs
    A study of the life cycle of clowns, and the savagery of the wild. Truly bizarre, just how we like it! Drabblecast 115 – Clown Eggs
  5. Toast
    An odd-ball, hit for a home run! A rollicking tale of the toast that live! Drabblecast 123 – Toast
  6. Annabelle’s Alphabet
    A heartrending tale of parenting in a world filled with magic and mystery. Drabblecast 129 – Annabelle’s Alphabet
  7. Teddy Bears and Tea Parties
    A spine-tingling and suspenseful dark adventure, in the tradition of Alice in Wonderland. Drabblecast 146 – Teddy Bear and Tea Parties
  8. Morris and the Machine
    From the oft heard, and always appreciated Tim Pratt, a bittersweet reconfiguration of the time travel trope. Drabblecast 150 – Morris and the Machine
  9. Mongoose
    One of our most popular stories: a two part space opera featuring extra-dimensional predators and dangerous bounty. Drabblecast 170 – Mongoose pt. 1, Drabblecast 171 – Mongoose pt. 2
  10. Creature
    A life form of untold power teeters between humanity and inhumanity. Drabblecast 206 – Creature