Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: Artist: Dave Krummenacher

Drabblecast 332 – Mister Bob

Cover for Drabblecast 332, Mr. Bob, by David Krummenacher“It all began with the chicken in the end of the road,” she said.

“Pardon?” I gestured. “Could you say that again?”

Miss Sanderson reached out and tapped the translation device on the table, then picked it up and fiddled with its settings. She was the ugliest female of her species I’d ever seen– obscenely symmetrical features, pale hair and complexion, long limbs–and yet forever twirling a finger in her hair like she was trying to proposition me.



Drabblecast B-Sides 47 – Statement in the Case

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides 47, Statement in the Case, by David KrummenacherSure, I know Istvan Horvath.  We met about a year ago before Eva died.  That’s my wife, Eva.  You knew that?  Yah, I figured you were pretty thorough…






Cover for Drabblecast episode 286, Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse, by David Krummenacher

Drabblecast 286 – Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse

Cover for Drabblecast episode 286, Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse, by David KrummenacherFather Leggett stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the three narrow stories of gray brick that was 207 East Charlton Street. Compared to the other edifices on Lafayette Square—the Colonial Dames fountain, the Low house, the Turner mansion, the cathedral of course—this house was decidedly ordinary, a reminder that even Savannah had buildings that did only what they needed to do, and nothing more.
He looked again at the note the secretary at St. John the Baptist had left on his desk. This note read:

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