Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: disease

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 39 – The Beekeepers

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers

The Tehtix move so damn fast – scientists can’t ever keep up… and populations never know what hit them…

In a mind-bending tale of parasitic worms, intelligent wasps and a symbiotic virus, author J. Alan Pierce describes an unusual alien invasion that preserves its victims forever. The story connects themes of dreams and communication. Mr. Pierce had previously written Episode #18, “The One that Got Away.” Finally, Drabble News recounts the story of an alleged alien virus, arising from a meteor falling in Andes. A real-life story of contamination in the same region as the feature story – co-incidence or premonition?  Feedback #34, “The Suit,” rounded out the episode.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 37, Luna Springs, by Rick Green

Drabblecast 37 – Luna Springs

Cover for Drabblecast episode 37, Luna Springs, by Rick Green

They say the gravity’s lessened here, air’s purified, filtered with vitamins and proteins.  Even the light’s better – Luna Springs is on a mobile foundation timed to keep optimum reflected sunlight at all hours…

In Drabble News: a young girl born with four arms and four legs in India, believed to be the incarnation of a Hindu goddess, underwent surgery to remove her irregularities. Norm speculates on her attitude towards baby pictures later in life. Continuing on the theme of physical infirmities, the feature story features a sickly and wheelchair-bound grandfather. A man who found a place in a retirement community on the Moon, where “memories come alive with the moonlight and dance with the stars” – leaving his grandson with a painful memory of his own. The story author, Patrick Hurley, has been published in “The Horror Library” and other venues. Feedback for Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day,” closes out the episode.

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