Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: government

Cover for Drabblecast episode 118, The Relativity Prison, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 118 – The Relativity Prison

Cover for Drabblecast episode 118, The Relativity Prison, by Bo KaierIt took weeks for me convince myself that my condition is universal, and I’m still not entirely sure. It’s almost always something in the eyes, and sometimes also in the corners of the mouth. Resignation. I had to learn to look for it. Otherwise, the illusion of volition is perfect. Everyone looks as if they’re just going about their business, even as their business is going about them…

This episode of the Drabblecast begins with a hilarious Drabble News’cast – host Norm Sherman alerts us to the threat of monster jellyfish taking over the oceans. Is it time for government intervention? And what is this about mutant sea turtles? A Drabble follows featuring a time traveling alien and its special message for a hairy young man. The feature story is a thought-provoking exploration of reality, as we know it. If humanity was to be punished, would there be any punishment more fitting than to watch their lives unfold from a distance.

Cover of Drabblecast episode 110, Trifecta 6, by Tom Morganti

Drabblecast 110 – Trifecta VII

Cover of Drabblecast episode 110, Trifecta 6, by Tom MorgantiThe village of Kriegerwald on the shores of Lake Teufel high in the Swiss Alps couldonly be reached by foot or ski lift, which suited the villagers. Each villager possessed broadforeheads and flat noses with strange guttural accents even the people in the valley below barelyunderstood. They also had a singular tourist attraction, popular enough to fund villagemaintenance but not to flood them or stir a desire for greater accessibility.

This trifecta episode of the Drabblecast features three stories, each exploring humanity’s reaction to strange and threatening situations. In the first story, The Frozen People, Swiss villagers sustain their existence by selling views of their 7000 year old perfectly preserved frozen warrior. When lightening strikes, everyone’s life changes. In Sheltered, a fast approaching asteroid threatens to wipe out all of mankind. This sends many burrowing deep into the ground, while a few brave individuals stay above to revel in the cataclysm. Interactions between the groups take on an ironic twist. In Order to Conserve speaks to governments and people as they are threatened by the loss of the most precious of all natural resources…. and it’s not oil or water.

Of note: this episode marks the debut of Twit-Fic/Twabbles.

Cover for Drabblecast 88, The Toys of Peace, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 88 – The Toys of Peace

Cover for Drabblecast 88, The Toys of Peace, by Brent HolmesHarvey retreated to the library and spent some thirty or fourty minutes in wondering whether it would be possible to compile a history, for us in elementary schools, in which there should be no prominent mentions of battles, massacres, murderous intrigues, and violent deaths…

Norm thanks listeners who voted in the recent election, before punishing non-voters by busting out an unexpected freestyle rap explaining the American Electoral College system, entitled “Electoral Homies.” Keeping with the civic governance theme comes a feature story from 19th-Century author “Saki,” the pen name for Hector Hugh Monroe.  In it, the National Council for Peace attempts unsuccessfully to limit and channel the aggressive instincts of playful young boys. Lastly, Norm reviews the overwhelming reader feedback response to Episode #84, “Floating Over Time.”

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