Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: attack

Cover for Drabblecast episode 92, Synesthesia, by Tom Morganti

Drabblecast 92 – Synesthesia

Cover for Drabblecast episode 92, Synesthesia, by Tom MorgantiThey called  it “Synesthesia.”  It’s when the senses got mixed up and you started to hear colors or taste sounds…

Norm begins this with a warning concerning graphic violence and gore. We return to one of the Drabblecast’s favorite topics, the Zombie Apocalypse. The theme receives a fresh airing, which is just as well, as it was starting to smell. Sal Lemerond, veteran of the horror webzine “Necrotic Tissue,” posits the connection between drug addicts and zombies, in a 100-word drabble. Norm chimes in with a tasty public service announcement about the nutritional value of your brain on drugs. In the feature story, J. Alan Pierce – whose work has appeared in Kaleidotrope, as well as twice on the Drabblecast (#18 “The One that Got Away” and #31 “Beekeepers”) – takes us through a zombie plague via the eyes of an early victim. The condition first manifests as Synthesesia, the scientific name for the ability to taste colors, smell sounds, and other bizarre sensory hallucinations.  The story culminates in a family dispute and a choice betrayal.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 81, Snuffles, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 81 – Snuffles

Cover for Drabblecast episode 81, Snuffles, by Bo Kaier

Snuffles’ cave was a marvelous place.  It was where his glowing rock lived…

The Mega-Beast Death-Match finals are announced. Stories detail mutants and things that aren’t what they appear to be. The Drabble describes the twitchy, secret side of a husband. The feature is a story of nature in the extreme. A mutant badger? Havoc? Drabblecast goodness! Feedback is for episode 77 “Permanent Detention” and episode 78 “Panel Discussion.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 77, Permanent Detention, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 77 – Permanent Detention

Cover for Drabblecast episode 77, Permanent Detention, by Bo Kaier

“But Dad, he scares me….”
“I don’t care if he’s got three eyes and tentacles.  He’s your teacher and you need to pass his class.  Case closed…”

High school horrors delight us in this episode. In the news, we learn that Bigfoot is dead, if he was ever alive, which he might not have been, so he might not be dead! Feedback from Exit by Jeff Carlson and All In by Peter Atwood.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 68, The Wiggly People, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 68 – The Wiggly People

Cover for Drabblecast episode 68, The Wiggly People, by Bo KaierUncle Karl shouts when he’s mad, and sometimes he smacks Mama.  That always makes the sharp things hurt me and the wiggly people come out…

On this episode of the Drabblecast, a dark tale from favorite author Eugie Foster. A troubled youth, a view in to his chaotic mind, and deeply effected life. Shake hands with the wiggly people!

Cover for Drabblecast episode 66, A Creature in Disguise, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 66 – Creatures in Disguise

Cover for Drabblecast episode 66, A Creature in Disguise, by Bo KaierThey didn’t feel things the way humans did…things like mercy…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 62, Sizzle, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 62 – Sizzle

Cover for Drabblecast episode 62, Sizzle, by Bo KaierInsanity wears many masks…

Cover for Drabblecast 54, Unholy Fruit, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 54 – Unholy Fruit

Cover for Drabblecast 54, Unholy Fruit, by Bo KaierThe demon oranges- one for every tree in Roland’s orchard – appeared on an otherwise average Tuesday morning…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 40, Marbles, by David Steffen

Drabblecast 40 – Marbles

Cover for Drabblecast episode 40, Marbles, by David Steffen

“Michael…” his mother said, smiling and bending toward him. “Don’t you think we should invite your new neighbor over to play?”

In Drabble News:  the field of Taxidermy triumphs with the successful recovery of a famous cryptozoological (mystery) animal. This week’s Drabble, “Shark attack,” provides a surprising role reversal. The feature story, also by author Ayn Sauer, continues the theme of vicious youth. “Marbles” tells the tale of young Michael and a precocious young collector named Alice. It details a kiddie cross, the sort of thing that scars for life, or elicits a frightful smile. Head-scratcher feedback for Episode #35, “The Guilt Trader,” follows.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 39 – The Beekeepers

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers

The Tehtix move so damn fast – scientists can’t ever keep up… and populations never know what hit them…

In a mind-bending tale of parasitic worms, intelligent wasps and a symbiotic virus, author J. Alan Pierce describes an unusual alien invasion that preserves its victims forever. The story connects themes of dreams and communication. Mr. Pierce had previously written Episode #18, “The One that Got Away.” Finally, Drabble News recounts the story of an alleged alien virus, arising from a meteor falling in Andes. A real-life story of contamination in the same region as the feature story – co-incidence or premonition?  Feedback #34, “The Suit,” rounded out the episode.

Cover for Drabblecast 36, Pumpkinseeds, by Matt Schindler

Drabblecast 36 – Pumpkinseeds

Cover for Drabblecast 36, Pumpkinseeds, by Matt SchindlerTheir orange gazes came from devilishly carved eyes and their vigilant stares sent a chill up Kincade’s neck.  He had never liked the gutted vegetables that people found hauntingly ornamental this time of year…

Cover for Drabblecast 26, Once Upon A Hill in this City, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 26 – Once Upon a Hill in this City

Cover for Drabblecast 26, Once Upon A Hill in this City, by Bo KaierTwo young men slink behind her…I catch the glint of metal from their back pockets and the answering glint of their teeth as they exchange smiles..

Cover for Drabblecast episode 13, RORRIM, by Oskar Kunik

Drabblecast 13 – RORRIM

Cover for Drabblecast episode 13, RORRIM, by Oskar KunikThis is a story about how one thing leads to another, if you know what I mean.  It’s about what the Chinese mean when they say: “I curse you with an interesting time”….

In this episode of the Drabblecast, a convention goer encounters a unique, magical threat. Trapped in a world of strange magic, with wits alone as his guide.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 12, Free Willy 2.4, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 12 – Free Willy 2.4

Cover for Drabblecast episode 12, Free Willy 2.4, by Jonathan Wilson

A textbook example of whale robotics gone terribly wrong…

Episode 12 sees the climax of the first ever Super Animal Deathmatch (also know as the Mega-Beast Death-Match), with Norm revealing the winner – Telephant. It also includes Anna Luther’s story “Free Willy 2.4” – the reintroduction of (robotic) killer whales, and how mad science and tinkering with the natural world (as per usual) goes spectacularly, savagely wrong.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 11, Black and White Animals, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 11 – Black and White Animals Part 1 : Secret Weapons

Cover for Drabblecast episode 11, Black and White Animals, by Bo Kaier

A day at the zoo turns into humanity’s ultimate struggle for survival…

Episode 11 of the Drabblecast brings us Secret Weapons – the first chapter of the Black and White Animals trilogy. Norm and Kendall Marchman share this story of a trip to the zoo turned strange and terrible. Drabble News reports on recent research involving dinosaur veins. Norm again encourages listeners to vote, and jump into the final week of the Super Animal Deathmatch.

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