Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: cyborgs

Drabblecast 273 – The Electric Ant

Drabblecast episode 273, The Electric Ant, by Skeet ScienskiThis episode of the Drabblecast brings you a very special presentation of “The Electric Ant” by the one and only Philip K. Dick!

Garson Poole wakes up after a flying-car-crash to find that he is missing a hand. He then finds out that he is an ‘electric ant’ – an “organic” robot. He further finds out that what he believes is his subjective reality is being fed to him from a micro-punched tape in his chest cavity.

Yeah, it gets weird in perfect Philip K. Dickian fashion!

Story Excerpt:

At four-fifteen in the afternoon, T.S.T., Garson Poole woke up in his hospital bed, knew that he lay in a hospital bed in a three-bed ward and realized in addition two things: that he no longer had a right hand and that he felt no pain.

They had given me a strong analgesic, he said to himself as he stared at the far wall with its window showing downtown New York. Webs in which vehicles and peds darted and wheeled glimmered in the late afternoon sun, and the brilliance of the aging light pleased him. It’s not yet out, he thought. And neither am I…

Without further ado, please enjoy:

Drabblecast # 273 – The Electric Ant

Cover for Drabblecast episode 212, Ancient Engines, by Matt Wasiela

Drabblecast 212 – Ancient Engines

Cover for Drabblecast episode 212, Ancient Engines, by Matt Wasiela“Planning to live forever, Tiktok?”
The words cut through the bar’s chatter and gab and silenced them. The silence reached out to touch infinity and then, “I believe you’re talking to me?” a mech said…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 200, The Last Question, by Adam S. Doyle

Drabblecast 200 – The Last Question

Cover for Drabblecast episode 200, The Last Question, by Adam S. DoyleIt all had a beginning in the original cosmic explosion, whatever that was, and it’ll all have an end when all the stars run down. The sun will last twenty billion years and maybe the dwarfs will last a hundred billion for all the good they are. But just give us a trillion years and everything will be dark. Entropy has to increase to maximum, that’s all…

On this special episode celebrating the Drabblecast’s 200th episode, we feature sci-fi milestone The Last Question by the ubiquitous genre giant Isaac Asimov. Norm takes listeners along for a thankful, whistful retrospective of the podcast’s history. The episode then moves in to a full cast, sweeping production of the sci-fi epic. The Last Question is an existential piece occurring over a grand timeline in the fullness of outer space, as mankind and artificial intelligence alike consider immortality, the end of all things, and what it means. The episode features chapter illustrations, and announces the 2010 People’s Choice award winners.

Winners of 2010 People’s Choice Awards!
Best Story: Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
Best Drabble: Chris Munroe
Best Art: Liz

Cover for Drabblecast episode 184, HorrorWorld 2025 pt, 1, by Skeet Scienski

Drabblecast 184 – Horror World 2025

Cover for Drabblecast episode 184, HorrorWorld 2025 pt, 1, by Skeet ScienskiIt started in the cemetery, like these things usually do. Everyone knows being in a cemetery after dark’s a bad idea, which is exactly why Kyle had begged his grandpa to take him…

This episode of Drabblecast is a Halloween Special where our (g)host Norm gives us suggestions on how to simultaneously celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month (and Halloween). He also provides information on Phantom Claws, the ghost of a vengeful murdered Santa. The feature story follows Kyle on an escapism holiday to Horror World, an amusement park with violent sentient robot zombies and android wolf men.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 174, The Fantasy Jumper, by Elan Trinidad

Drabblecast 174 – The Fantasy Jumper

Cover for Drabblecast episode 174, The Fantasy Jumper, by Elan Trinidad“This is the one I wanted to show you,” Rando said to his blind date, Maya, who had an artificial eye that drooped slightly, but was otherwise very cute in a chipmunk sort of way.
“Make her blonde,” Rando said, while Maya peered over his shoulder. The woman’s hair changed from brown to golden blonde…

Drabblecast 164 – The Observer

Cover for Drabblecast episode 164, The Observer, by Phil PomphreyAnd so we went in.
Combat formation, all five of us, me first, face masks on so tight that the edges of our eyes pulled, suits like a second skin. Weapons in both hands, back-ups attached to the wrists and forearms, flash-bangs on our hips.
No shielding, no vehicles, no nothing. Just us, dosed, altered, ready to go.

Cover for Drabblecast 125, Little Brother TM, by Philip Pomphrey

Drabblecast 125 – Little Brother™

Cover for Drabblecast 125, Little Brother TM, by Philip PomphreyThis year when Peter ran into the living room, there sat Little Brother™ among all the wrapped presents, babbling baby talk, smiling his happy smile, and patting one of the packages with his fat little hand. Peter was so excited that he ran up and gave Little Brother™ a big hug around the neck. That was how he found out about the button.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 63, Time Shift, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 63 – Time Shift

Cover for Drabblecast episode 63, Time Shift, by Jonathan WilsonA few seconds (approximately 3.21, her processors told her) wasn’t a lot of time- a human brain wouldn’t have had the same opportunity for reflection…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 12, Free Willy 2.4, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 12 – Free Willy 2.4

Cover for Drabblecast episode 12, Free Willy 2.4, by Jonathan Wilson

A textbook example of whale robotics gone terribly wrong…

Episode 12 sees the climax of the first ever Super Animal Deathmatch (also know as the Mega-Beast Death-Match), with Norm revealing the winner – Telephant. It also includes Anna Luther’s story “Free Willy 2.4” – the reintroduction of (robotic) killer whales, and how mad science and tinkering with the natural world (as per usual) goes spectacularly, savagely wrong.

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