Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: dread

Drabblecast 251 – The Music of Erich Zann

Cover for Drabblecast episode 251, The Music of Erich Zann, by Bill HalliarMy room was on the fifth story; the only inhabited room there, since the house was almost empty. On the night I arrived I heard strange music from the peaked garret overhead, and the next day asked old Blandot about it. He told me it was an old German viol-player, a strange dumb man who signed his name as Erich Zann, and who played evenings in a cheap theater orchestra; adding that Zann’s desire to play in the night after his return from the theater was the reason he had chosen this lofty and isolated garret room, whose single gable window was the only point on the street from which one could look over the terminating wall at the declivity and panorama beyond…

This episode of the Drabblecast kicks of H.P. Lovecraft Tribute Month. It begins with a reading from Lovecraft’s Fungi from Yuggoth. In the feature, an impoverished student is forced to take an apartment in an almost empty building on the mysterious Rue d’Auseil. One of the other tenants, a viol player named Erich Zann, lives alone on the top floor and plays strange, otherworldly music at night. The student, drawn to his music, eventually gains Zann’s trust and learns catastrophic secrets.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 221, Year of the Rabbit, by Rick Green

Drabblecast 221 – Year of the Rabbit

Cover for Drabblecast episode 221, Year of the Rabbit, by Richard K. GreenIt used to be that the sun would go down and the streetlamps would come on and make pools of this wet, yellow light. No matter where you stood, you could see the lights on somewhere. You could run from streetlamp to streetlamp and you could look down the streets and you’d never drown in the dark…

Drabblecast 215 – Dread Unlocks

Cover for Drabblecast episode 215, Dread Unlocks, by Bo KaierOkay, no one expects eldritch horror in LA. Not that I know what eldritch horror really is. My old boyfriend (about fifteen boyfriends back) called anything that inspired dread “eldritch horror.” I guess that would describe my entire job, really…

Another story from Lovecraft month – elder horror in LA. Dread Unlocks is on the job!

Drabblecast 213 – The Haunter of the Dark

Cover for Drabblecast episode 213 , The Haunter of the Dark, by Bill HalliarI have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim—
Where they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without knowledge or lustre or name…

To kick of Lovecraft Month Norm once again reads an H.P. Lovecraft classic.

Drabblecast 205 – Trifecta XVI

Cover for Drabblecast episode 205, Trifecta 216, by Georgia Warley CummingsA Trifecta is comprised of three similarly themed stories selected by The Drabblecast’s editors. Now for some raucous scary fun!

Love means never letting go. And biting..

Cover for Drabblecast episode 181, Funeral Song For a Ventriloquist, by Caroline Parkinson

Drabblecast 181 – Funeral Song for a Ventriloquist

Cover for Drabblecast episode 181, Funeral Song For a Ventriloquist, by Caroline ParkinsonA puppet’s words infect. They taint. They do this without ever sounding like a thing, without the listener realizing they have been spoken. A true ventriloquist, as those who are educated and informed may or may not choose to tell you, is an adept in the art of keeping those mouths shut…

On this episode of Drabblecast, Norm focuses on the bliss of ignorance versus the pain of knowledge. In Drabble news he muses about the fact that (oh no!) scientists have decided that the Triceratops never existed. The feature, narrated by podcast regular Mike Boris, is a new, sinister spin on puppetry. Ventriloquists, it turns out, are the guardians of terrible secretes tasked with preventing their loose-lipped dummies from bringing darkness in to the world.

Drabblecast B-Sides 11 – Nyarlathotep

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 11, Nyarlathotep, by Liz PenniesNyarlathotep… the crawling chaos… I am the last… I will tell the audient void…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 168, Route Nine, by Broken Cyborg

Drabblecast 168 – Route Nine

Cover for Drabblecast episode 168, Route Nine, by Broken CyborgTwo years ago it must’ve been. Me and Manny and a couple of the other boys — Carlos and T-Bone — met up at the last Dairy Queen outside of Lompoc.
Manny was going on at me about that shortcut I liked, Route Nine.
“I’m telling you that place is God-awful weird, Joe.”

Drabblecast B-Sides 6 – The Horror at Martin’s Beach

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides 6, The Horror at Martin's Beach, by Kathleen BeckettIts extraordinary mouth, its thick and scaly hide, and its single, deep-set eye were wonders scarcely less remarkable than its colossal dimensions; and when the naturalists pronounced it an infant organism, which could not have been hatched more than a few days, public interest mounted to extraordinary heights…

Cover for Drabblecast 83, Floating Over Time, by Philip Pomphrey

Drabblecast 83 – Floating Over Time

Cover for Drabblecast 83, Floating Over Time, by Philip PomphreyShe was a machine, fabulously complex and durable and imaginative.  She was also alive…

This well regarded episode of the Drabblecast shares the poetic story of two complex individuals welcoming, dreading, and ultimately learning from the finality of their own end.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 77, Permanent Detention, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 77 – Permanent Detention

Cover for Drabblecast episode 77, Permanent Detention, by Bo Kaier

“But Dad, he scares me….”
“I don’t care if he’s got three eyes and tentacles.  He’s your teacher and you need to pass his class.  Case closed…”

High school horrors delight us in this episode. In the news, we learn that Bigfoot is dead, if he was ever alive, which he might not have been, so he might not be dead! Feedback from Exit by Jeff Carlson and All In by Peter Atwood.

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