Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: funny

Drabblecast 252 – The Elder Thing and the Puddle People

Cover for Drabblecast episode 252, The Elder Thing and the Puddle People, by Matt WasielaUpon the coming of the rain and the and the reawakening of the Krr’at race, the Elder Thing returned to us and squealed Its sky-splitting squeal and waded in among us. It came with the green feet that had eyes and mouths, and with the yellow, rubbery outerskin, and with the lace and the glitter — oh, the horrible, horrible glitter…

This episode of the Drabblecast continues H.P. Lovecraft Tribute Month, specifically focusing on the frequent appearance of cults in Lovecraft’s work. In the drabble, cult meetings aren’t always all about sacrifices and secret rites. In the feature, what starts out as an innocent encounter between a little girl and her imaginary friends takes an ominous turn when the “puddle people” turn out to be real creatures who worship her as their capricious god. When a rebel revolts against the the cult to save her daughter from being sacrificed, how will their deity react?

Cover for Drabblecast episode 247, How I Crippled a World for just .001 Cents, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 247 – How I Crippled a World for Just 0.01 Cents

Cover for Drabblecast episode 247, How I Crippled a World for just .001 Cents, by Bo Kaier“You are accused of stealing the intellectual property of Einstein, Dirac and Heisenberg.” The middle-aged speaker waved his finger at Professor Hillabin, more in the manner of a prosecutor than a judge.

This episode of the Drabblecast illustrates the folly of bureaucracy. In the drabble, one by one an entire classroom of students are promoted to be their own teachers. In the feature, a lost, dimension-hopping scientist is trapped in a world where scientific theories are considered intellectual property. Unable to perform his calculations without them, he finds himself on trial for failure to pay royalties. When he cannot convince the court to take mercy on him, he pulls looses a devastating strategy.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 161, Higher Than Usual, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 161 – Higher than Usual

Cover for Drabblecast episode 161, Higher Than Usual, by Bo Kaier“We’ve got one of them,” he told me gleefully.
“One of what?” I asked, bewildered.
“One of them,” he said, as if that explained it. “Cheeky sod from Accounts came upstairs and tried to get a coffee out of our vending machine. Can you believe it? Out of OUR vending machine!”

Nothing cheekier than a pandemic of murderous intent..

Drabblecast B-Sides 4 – Support Group for the Supernaturally Experienced

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 4, Support Group for the Supernaturally Experienced, by Bo Kaier“I can smell the blood on your hands, I can smell your innocence dead and stinking on your breath!”

Max quickly glanced down at his clean hands. Just before he arrived he had washed them with disinfectant soap and meticulously cleaned under the nails.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 86, Half Sneeze Johnny, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 86 – Half-Sneeze Johnny

Cover for Drabblecast episode 86, Half Sneeze Johnny, by Bo KaierIf he ain’t comfortable, he can’t sneeze proper to save his life…

During the Drabble News, Norm introduces us to the cutest little tongue-biting-then-tongue-impersonating parasite that one could ever hope to meet.  The Drabblecast then ticks off another row on its scorecard for “Bodily Functions Bingo” by delivering fiction about the act of sneezing.  In the Drabble segment, Peter Wood tells the story of an unfortunate sufferer who finds that even death is no surcease from the problem of allergies. During the feature story, “Half-sneeze Johnny” which originally appeared in “Kaleidotrope” print magazine, the gentle sound of a half-sneeze, which sounds like chickadees being crushed to death, serves as an unlikely truth detector for a pair of mobsters.  The author also contributed the story for Drabblecast #54, “Unholy Fruit.” Feedback from Episode #81, “Snuffles,” and #82, “Overgrown Clump of Narcissists,” rounds out the episode.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 85, Trifecta V, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 85 – Trifecta V

Cover for Drabblecast episode 85, Trifecta V, by Bo KaierThe fifth of the Drabblecast’s Trifectas gathers three stories about addiction to love. Due to the subject matter, Norm issues a warning about it’s kid unfriendliness.  First, the narrator of Suzanne Vincent’s story, “Strange Love,” discovers the erotic secret behind the popularity of tattoos among space alien visitors. Next, Jim Bernheimer, (who had previously contributed the story “Reality Bites!”), offers “Cookies,” a quixotic tale leaving listeners to ponder whether we raise our kids, or they raise us.  Finally, “Forbidden Love,” by Ian Fossberg, describes the final quest of a familiar love-lorn character from our shared childhood.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 78, Panel Discussion, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 78 – Panel Discussion

Cover for Drabblecast episode 78, Panel Discussion, by Jonathan Wilson

“So, where do you get your ideas?” he asked.
“I get my ideas from thinking about things.”
“Like what?”
“Like this panel.”

In this episode of the Drabblecast, we listen in on a convention panel sidetracked by the Sci-Fi version of “Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner?” The Bbardle is a hard rock tale of a geeky, sexy lady-stalker, the “Cougar at the Con.”

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