Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: vampires

Drabblecast B-Sides 76 – Sad, Dark Thing

Drabblecast cover for Sad, Dark Thing by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast Exclusive Premium Content.

Aimless. A short, simple word. It means “without aim”, where “aim” derives from the notion of calculation with a view to action. Lacking purpose or direction, therefore, without a considered goal.

People mainly use the word in a blunt, softened fashion. They walk “aimlessly” down the street, unsure whether to have a coffee or check out the new magazines in the bookstore or maybe sit on that bench and watch the world go by…

Drabblecast B-Sides 66 – Heart of Clay (A Saint Darwin’s Spiritual)

Drabblecast Cover by Bo Kaier for Heart of ClayThe Drabblecast brings you “Heart of Clay,” part of D.K. Thompson’s Saint Darwin’s Spirituals series.

D.K. Thompson was the host and co-editor of PodCastle, a fantasy fiction podcast, for five years, and has narrated audiobooks by Tim Pratt, Greg van Eekhout, and James Maxey, among others.

Story Excerpt:

Awareness terrified the golem, but the burning paper in his mouth and the word written on it gave him comfort. It filled him with wonder and fear, knowledge and life. Saint Darwin had fashioned the paper from a certain bush on an Egyptian mountainside that was impervious to fire. When the golem’s life dissipated, the flames would sputter out but the mystical paper would never be consumed.

This story is available to our $10/month B-Sides subscribers! Not a member yet? Here’s how you can support the show!

Drabblecast 333 – After the Cure

Cover for Drabblecast episode 333, After the Cure, by Soren JamesI was shot with the cure in the dark. Later, someone would tell me it was a Tuesday, but before the tranq dart I didn’t know such a thing existed. It was either day or night, hungry or sated, alive or dead.

Then there was the cure and I was hauled to the Sanitation Center to be processed: our identities to be confirmed, and if forgotten, to be assigned a name, a registration number, date of birth, address.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 185, Horrorworld 2025 part 2, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 185 – Horror World 2025: Part II

Cover for Drabblecast episode 185, Horrorworld 2025 part 2, by Bo KaierKyle lifted another lightsaber. “Want one? They’re not as random or clumsy as a flamethrower.”
“Sh*t. The geek is strong in this one. Sure, Jedi me.”
Kyle tossed it to her with a grin. Hang on Grandpa. We’re coming…

Norm starts this week’s Drabblecast starts with a bbardle about Phantom Claus, to get us in the Halloween spirit. The two part Horror World 2025 is concluded. We rejoin Ben to see if he is any closer to rescuing his grandfather from bedeviled robo-zombies.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 184, HorrorWorld 2025 pt, 1, by Skeet Scienski

Drabblecast 184 – Horror World 2025

Cover for Drabblecast episode 184, HorrorWorld 2025 pt, 1, by Skeet ScienskiIt started in the cemetery, like these things usually do. Everyone knows being in a cemetery after dark’s a bad idea, which is exactly why Kyle had begged his grandpa to take him…

This episode of Drabblecast is a Halloween Special where our (g)host Norm gives us suggestions on how to simultaneously celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month (and Halloween). He also provides information on Phantom Claws, the ghost of a vengeful murdered Santa. The feature story follows Kyle on an escapism holiday to Horror World, an amusement park with violent sentient robot zombies and android wolf men.

Drabblecast B-Sides 8 – The Elves Hate You

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 8, The Elves Hate You, by Jan Dennison“You’re sure that’s not a vulcan?”

Pikachimp, Vlad’s right-arm man shook his head.

“Nah. Them’s elves all right. And the tall one’s been shopping same place as you.”

Vlad’s preternatural sight was perfectly adapted to the club’s dim lighting.

“You’re right. I can’t believe he has the nerve to wear that in here. I practically invented throat-ruffles. C’mon, let’s show those pansies they can’t mess with vampires..”

Drabblecast B-Sides 4 – Support Group for the Supernaturally Experienced

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 4, Support Group for the Supernaturally Experienced, by Bo Kaier“I can smell the blood on your hands, I can smell your innocence dead and stinking on your breath!”

Max quickly glanced down at his clean hands. Just before he arrived he had washed them with disinfectant soap and meticulously cleaned under the nails.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 70, Reality Bites, by Matt Cowens

Drabblecast 70 – Reality Bites!

Cover for Drabblecast episode 70, Reality Bites, by Matt Cowens“Well Mr. Merrill, as my associate informed your brother, it is the official opinion of Fundamental Insurance that you are not dead per se….”

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